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Members of the Partnership may be legal entities and individuals. The members of the Partnership are the founders, as well as legal entities and individuals that joined the Partnership after its state registration, in the manner prescribed by this Charter and the Regulation on the procedure for admission to the Non-Profit Partnership "Institute for Remote Health Care" and exclusion from its membership. The regulations on membership are approved by the General Meeting of Members when establishing the Association.
The members of the Partnership after joining the Partnership retain their legal and economic independence and have the same scope of rights as before joining the Partnership.
The Partnership establishes the following types of membership: corporate and individual membership.
Legal entities are corporate members of the Partnership.
Individuals are individual members of the Partnership and may have the status of an affiliate or associate member.
The procedure for admission to the partnership
In order to join the Partnership, the candidate in writing submits an application to the Executive Director of the Partnership.
The Executive Director of the Partnership, within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receipt of the candidate's application, convenes the Board and forwards the candidate's application to the Board for consideration.
The Board considers the application of the candidate and makes a decision on the admission of the candidate to the Board or on the refusal, about which the Executive Director notifies the candidate within ten days from the date of this decision. The Board is entitled to refuse the applicant without specifying the reason for refusal.
Partnership withdrawal procedure
Any member of the Partnership is entitled to withdraw from the Partnership at any time. A written statement of withdrawal is submitted by a member of the Partnership to the Executive Director of the Partnership, who is responsible for bringing this statement to the attention of other members of the Partnership.
Partnership Exclusion Procedure
On the basis of the Regulations on Membership, a member of the Partnership may be excluded from the Partnership by decision of the Board, adopted by a majority of the Board members present at the meeting, in the following cases:

- non-compliance by the member of the Partnership with the objectives of the Partnership;
- gross and repeated violations by the member of the Partnership of the Charter of the Partnership and internal documents of the Partnership, approved by the governing bodies of the Partnership;
- delay by a member of the Partnership for more than 30 (thirty) working days of the payment of a membership fee or additional property contribution in the amount and in the period established by the Regulations on Contributions;
- systematic non-compliance by a member of the Partnership with decisions of the governing bodies of the Partnership or obligations of a member of the Partnership;
- conducting by the member of the Partnership activities that discredit and discredit the Partnership and its members.
Entrance fee
After the decision on admission to the Partnership is made, the candidate member of the Partnership must pay an entrance fee in the amount and within the timeframe set by the Regulations on Contributions as defined below. The candidate is considered to be a member of the Partnership from the date of enrollment of his entry fee to the account of the Partnership. In case of a delay in the Partnership for more than 10 (Ten) working days of paying the entrance fee in full against the deadline set by the Provisions on Contributions, the decision of the Board on accepting such a candidate for the Partnership is considered to be canceled, unless the Board decides otherwise this candidate.
The amount, method and terms of payment by candidates for members of the Partnership and members of the Partnership of admission, membership and additional property contributions are established by the Regulation on the amount and methods of payment of membership fees, on additional property contributions.
In certain cases, on the basis of the Regulations on Contributions, the Board is entitled by the majority of votes of members of the Board present at a meeting to exempt a candidate member of the Partnership from paying the entrance fee, and a member of the Partnership - from paying membership fees for the period established by the Board.
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